What I do

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I offer technical-legal advice and training in the areas of management of chemicals and transboundary movement of waste.
Each activity is explained in detail in the Services section.

Here is an illustration of how I operate. For me, being a chemical and environmental consultant means:

  • correlating the standards at world level of dangerous substances, chemicals, mixtures, protection of human health and the environment. There are not many of us who do this, but I believe it is essential for understanding at a glance what situations a corporate client must face. Personally, I have an overview and can examine in depth where an individual piece of legislation applies, while the client does not need to seek the help of several consultants hoping that they agree on every aspect useful to his company
  • being reliable in terms of times, views and advice requested. For this reason I always provide my clients with written replies, aware of the Latin proverb “verba volant, scripta manent”
  • continuous updating as a mindset to understand the impact at operational and managerial level for corporate clients in advance of laws, directives and regulations coming into force
  • having an analytical mind, a quality I express best as an expert technical consultant for chemical substances when each individual aspect and implication of the laws concerned needs to be studied in depth
  • having a network of contacts with industry professional, a guarantee of preparation, competence and in depth examination, when necessary, with specialised people on each topic area. I consider it essential to seek advice from my partners, colleagues and ex-colleagues, especially from those of the Ministry of Health, and the companies themselves.

With this approach I work for small, medium and large size companies that appreciate the human relationship established and above all the benefit of having a single point of reference with a global vision of business needs.

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Andrea Volpato | Via Venozzi 15/A | IT-31040 Volpago del Montello (TV) | Mobile +393358437598 | Fax +390423621184 | | C.F. VLPNDR72A16L407E | P.IVA 03857420263