About me

Andrea Volpato

I’m Andrea Volpato, a freelance chemist and environmental consultant. I specialise in chemical substances and mixtures (chemical products) and transboundary movement of waste.
To read more about my approach see the What I do section, while to find out straight away which aspects I deal with go to the Services section.

With a curious mind, I love being up to date. This is an advantage for a consultant working at international level who constantly keeps abreast of the directives, regulations and conventions of countries that vary greatly one from another. I analyse, compare and decide guided by a desire for correctness, pursued with determination and enhanced by studies in speed reading and memorisation. Because IT supports are a resource, but the connections and conclusions of the human brain are what make the difference.

I decided to pursue a degree in Industrial Chemistry right from an early age, impressed the fact that chemistry is all around us, from food to toys, from household furnishings to nature, from daily objects to those of extraordinary occasions. At the age of 8 years I was full of admiration: “a chemist could do anything he wants. What power!” Today I help to manage chemical substances and their mixtures to preserve our world, perhaps even making it better, so that it may continue to amaze young children and realise their dreams.

For a complete CV of Andrea Volpato, I recommend my LinkedIn profile, where you can discover that, among other things, I am Council member for the Order of Chemists in the Treviso Province, REACH Master, partner in the family business operating in the area of ABP sector and since 2009 area manager for Italy and Slovenia for Ekokem A/S, part of EKOKEM Group.

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Andrea Volpato | Via Venozzi 15/A | IT-31040 Volpago del Montello (TV) | Mobile +393358437598 | Fax +390423621184 | | C.F. VLPNDR72A16L407E | P.IVA 03857420263